Hey everyone!! It’s officially been a week here that i’ve spent in Granada Nicaragua! I made it to sabbath! 🙏 I wanted to tell you guys a little bit about what I’ve been up to here so far including lots of ministry, lots of bible studies, and lots of laughs. Our daily schedule here looks a little like this:
5am-7am : wake up + quiet time with the Lord
7am-8am : get ready
8am-8:30am : breakfast
8:30am-9:30am : bible study with Scott (our host)
10am- 12pm: ministry (either farm ministry or outreach)
12pm-1pm : lunch
1:pm-4:30pm : ministry (outreach or farm)
5pm: dinner time
6pm-8:30pm : team time
9pm : sleep
This schedule is much different than what i’m used to. It sure has been a struggle to wake up at 5am but the Lord always shows up in absolutely beautiful ways as I watch the sunrise and talk to him before anything else in the day. He speaks to me in peace and in a calmness that I’ve never experienced before.
Ministry here looks different every day! Some days we spend working on the farm helping plant trees, pull weeds, working in the kitchen ( which I personally really enjoy!) or pray over the property. Other days, we spend our time in the community going into people’s homes praying and sharing the Gospel which is always a sweet time. Other times, we spend time with the patients in the hospital listening to their stories and praying for healing. The Lord has truly been my strength in these times. The Lord has been opening my eyes and breaking pieces of me into vessels of how he sees this world. It’s incredibly beautiful even as it pains my heart. We have only seen a glimpse into this world and some of its deep pains. He sees it all.
His heart is so big. Something that we have learned that has really shaken me is that the Lord sent Jesus down for us “for his sake.” As much as he loves us and wants to see us forgiven, he YEARNS to be in communion with us and the only way he could be back in relationship with us is by sacrificing Jesus. He not only wanted us to be freed, he truly desires this intimate connection more than we do.
Isaiah 43:25 “ I sweep away your transgressions for my own sake.”
On another note, the love that the people have shown me here has been a huge blessing. My team, my hosts, and the people in the community have all shown me a love I would have never expected as I’ve only known them for a short time. How sweet is it that God sends specific people to us at certain times in order to show more of himself and his love? He’s so kind!!!
If you’ve read this far, thank you! I really really miss you guys. Please reach out to me, text me or call! And don’t forget, Jesus wants you so badly. He really really really loves you!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Your reliance on our Lord is such a testimony, Stella. Keep seeking him as you are being pushed to step so far outside of you comfort zone on each and every day. You may not always feel that he is close, but know, without a doubt, that he knows every moment of each day and you are in his care! Thank you for keeping us updated so that our prayers of thanksgiving can also be directed to your needs.
thank you so much!! i really appreciate all of your love and support. ❤️❤️
I love this Stella! You are growing in ways I could only imagine. I’m so glad your experience there is so good! You are a blessing to all that comes in your path. Your love for God has really been opening doors to so many relationships that you will cherish forever. I miss you so much but feel at peace you are in good hands. Love you bunches! 😘♥️
i love you so much❤️ i hope you know the Lord wants you to experience you in the same ways:))
I love hearing about all your experiences ❣️
I miss you bunches, but know you are exactly where your meant to be 🤗🥰
awe i miss you so so much. i love you❤️❤️❤️
What a beautiful time in many ways! Lovely to read about. And I did count the hours of sleep you get with such an early rise – but luckily also an early bedtime! Keep fit for your work and all the new experiences!
yeah i try to get to bed early haha but some nights it’s hard! it’s so worth it tho 🙂